Thank you for your query request!

You will receive an email confirming your submission data soon and results of the requested queries will be available in your Employer FMCSA Clearinghouse account as soon as they are complete.

What next??

If you requested a full query – including all pre-employment queries – please do the following as soon as possible.

 Direct all queried drivers to create a account and register as a driver in the FMCSA Clearinghouse if they have not done so.

Advise the driver to anticipate a full query consent request from your company and to immediately respond to that request.

****Full queries cannot be completed without electronic driver consent within the FMCSA clearinghouse****

Helping Clients Build a Healthy, Dependable Workforce.

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(405) 943-6465

300 N. Meridian #105-S, Oklahoma City, OK