Welcome To The Oklahoma Police And Fire Pension Fund Physical Exam Schduling Portal
CRG Laboratories now offers a rapid laboratory test to detect the presence of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) antigen. Access to quality rapid diagnostic testing is essential to better inform Oklahomans of their current Covid-19 status in a manner that allows for a quick and appropriate response. The availability of test results in under 2 hours dramatically reduces the disruption to daily life caused by extended quarantine periods associated with current send-out laboratory tests.
Before registering, please read our FAQ section below.
What type of sample is taken?
The CRG technician will collect a nasal swab – not the more invasive nasopharyngeal swab. First, you will be asked to blow your nose into a tissue (provided if you do not have one of your own). Then, a nasal swab collection is performed by carefully inserting the swab into each nostril. Using gentle rotation, the technician will push the swab until resistance is met at the level of the turbinates (less than one inch into the nostril). The swab will be rotated several times against the nasal wall and then removed from the nostril.
Where do I go to take my test?
At your designated appointment time you will proceed to the CRG Laboratories drive-through test location at 300 N. Meridian Ave. (1/3 mile north of Reno on the East side of Meridian) in Oklahoma City.
Will I need to get out of my vehicle or go into a building?
What should I expect when I arrive?
Upon arrival there will be signs directing traffic flow and a technician will instruct you on the appropriate steps to proceed with your sample collection. You will be asked to roll down your window and present a photo ID. The CRG technician will then collect your nasal swab; the entire process should take 2-3 minutes and you will be on your way!!
Will the CRG technicians be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Yes, in addition to limiting exposure by having clients remain in their vehicle – all CRG technicians will wear appropriate PPE including gloves, gowns, masks, and face shields.
How accurate is the test I am taking?
While no laboratory test is correct 100% of the time, the Quidel Sofia 2 Sars Antigen test has demonstrated quality performance on initial studies. The manufacturer has published test Sensitivity (the ability to correctly identify a positive sample) of 96.7%, test Specificity (the ability to correctly identify a negative sample) of 100%, and overall Agreement of 99.5%. Additionally, the Quidel Sofia 2 Sars Antigen test was recently selected by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) for placement in nursing home facilities nationwide as part of a Federal initiative to expand availability of quality rapid diagnostic testing to this high risk population.
Is the test FDA approved?
No, the Quidel Sofia 2 Sars Antigen test has been granted Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA. THERE IS CURRENTLY NO FDA APPROVED TEST FOR COVID-19 and all Covid-19 testing, regardless of methodology, is being performed under Emergency Use Authorization.
How long does it take to get results?
You will be notified by password protected email within 2 hours of providing your sample. You will provide a 4 digit PIN during registration that will be used to access your test results. If your sample is positive, you will also be notified by phone using the number provided during registration.
What if I have questions about my results and what to do next?
CRG Laboratories cannot direct you on how to interpret your test results and the appropriate steps moving forward. If you have questions, please contact your primary care physician immediately to discuss your test results.
What is the cost?
The standard price of the test is $125.00 and is paid during the online registration process using any major credit card. HOWEVER, periodically special discounted pricing is available – please click the Schedule My Test link for exact pricing.
Do you accept insurance?
CRG Laboratories will not file a claim with your insurance carrier. You may be able to submit documentation of your test in an effort to obtain reimbursement from your insurance carrier.

Helping Clients Build a Healthy, Dependable Workforce.
Same-Day Appointments are Available.